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Monday, October 18, 2010


Ok, a share of hands please. How many of you have ever suckled a baby? Maybe a few of you…? Ok then, how many of you were breastfed?
In a place I call Happy Fantasy Boob Land, I imagine that 100% of you got breast-fed. But, like me, I know for a fact that a lot of you didn’t, and that maybe even some of you haven’t seen a baby breast feeding either. But whatever boob hang-ups we all have, I think we can all agree that breast is best. Years of research and public campaigning have finally shifted the preposterous albeit prosperous medical opinion that we could improve upon nature by synthesizing a substitute. Yes, almost every doctor will tell you that boobs are pretty great. And not only is breast-feeding good for you, it’s a quite a handy thing too. Here we have a whining crying screaming baby going on and On AND ON and all you need to do is stick a boob in it to shut it up. It’s a miracle. You don’t even need to wash the boob before using it. No sterilizing bottles and nipples and discarding plastic bags. It’s the ultimate in convenience, and 100% green. Breast milk is so totally hip.
But what if I told you that breast milk was a health hazard? What if I told you that your baby’s milk needed to be packed into huge vats and blended with other mother’s milk and taken to a factory to be industrially processed? First we’d skim off the fat and then add butter fat back to the milk to achieve the desired percentage of fat (e.g. 1%, 2%, 3% etc). After this we’d pasteurize the whole lot of it, and then run it through a high pressure nozzle upwards of 17,000 kPa in a process called homogenization, changing the physiochemical properties of the milk, turning it into a very different substance. Then we’d pack it up in cardboard boxes lined with polyethylene or high density polyethylene (HDPE) containers, and about a week after it had been expressed, you could finally give it to your baby. Does this make any sense to you?
And yet this is what modern milk has become. The very same substance that comes from a mother’s breast is the same thing that comes from a cow or any other mammal. Sure, the ratio of fats, proteins and sugars are different depending on the animal, but milk is milk, and real milk is always raw. Let’s make no mistake here. Any type of milk that is no longer raw cannot be said to be milk. In fact milk that is no longer raw is usually yogurt, a process that more or less happens on its own. But milk isn’t yogurt. And neither is skim, 2% or homo.
What ‘milk’ has become in modern society is an artifact of milk, a replica of the farm fresh product that the marketing only alludes to. But it’s about as close to real milk as an Egg McMuffin is to a real breakfast. And because it’s not milk, but another product that the body doesn’t recognize as food, it is one of the most allergenic and problematic foods in today’s diet. Not just me but legions of health practitioners including herbalists, naturopaths and medical doctors will all tell you that avoiding milk will improve your health. By avoiding milk health problems seem to resolve out of thin air – chronic mucus and sinus issues, asthma, joint pain, skin rashes and even anxiety and depression – all these and more just seem to get better. It is so common to hear that milk causes health issues that I’ve heard comedians make jokes about it. It’s become a cultural meme, despite all the marketing that “milk does the body good”. It seems that milk is bad for you after all. But let’s be perfectly clear. What we are referring to here isn’t really milk. READ MORE HERE

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