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Thursday, October 7, 2010

China Xiaoshan AIRPORT UFO 07/07/10

Another video of the "China UFO" which suggests that the current media obsession with UFOs is a repeat of the tactic in which space aliens are waved about to obfuscate evidence of top-secret aircraft/spacecraft development. Again this video suggest a hypersonic wave rider type craft, with indications of stage separation. At one point the exhaust changes from a parabolic shape to a true cone, which tells us the object has climbed above the atmosphere. The Aurora concept being tested in the US back in the late 1980s and early 1990s pre-dates the Scaled Composites design for Spaceship one, in which a large carrier craft takes a smaller ship up to altitude, then deploys it for a high speed high altitude exo-atmospheric run. This looks like what we are seeing here.


  1. ewwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooo

  2. following your blog now you seem to know a bit about it , do you think its a rocket with a scramjet on it? sounds reasonable , rockets can get the scramjet to the speed it needs then it can take off , just a thought have a good day

  3. The exhaust pattern looks crazy! Pretty neat stuff, great post!


  4. aliens?? oh no!! were all gonna die!! lol

  5. yeah a litte bit like a ramjet, nut i was think ing more of a more advance 2 or 3 stage booster. if you remember the norway spiral from a few months back it was actual a three stage rocket and the spiral and color was casued by the 3rd stage failing and goin into a spin leaking its fuel. now i am wandering if these test was a prelude to this. if the firststage is lift off and we dont see it then we see the 2nd stage first and when it blast off, maybe its the 3rd stage working. maybe maybe not.
